Finally- the weather has cleared some (although we're due some stormage this coming Sunday, if you believe in weather reports), and some of the outdoor house projects are beginning. In the meantime, I've decided to start riding again. I guess that sounds like I've fallen off the wagon as a cycleholic, but I haven't-- I can quit anytime I want... really! Lucky for me, a small-ish mid-level domestic pro team came into town and I was able to tag along for some group rides. We've had perfect weather all week, and I managed 2 x 4 hr days and one 3 hr. I think I'll spin for an hour today-- I need some recovery if I'm going to ride "long" again this weekend. One of these guys (a 60+ retired ex-cat I) and one of the riders' father, Bob Fernandez looks just like one of the escorts I met in Italy a couple of years ago when we flew over to ride around and watch the Giro-- unbelieveable likeness, and strong as an ox! The coolest thing I discovered yesterday was how small the cycling world really is. He remembers racing several people I know of back home, most notably, Ralph Phillips. Ralph was perhaps one of the more prominent influences in my cycling habit, which preoccupied much of the past 20+ years of my life. Something I'll never forget, and connected me with many of the closest friends I've ever made. I miss them and hope to see them sometime soon.
Well, time to make a little coffee and head out the door. Some things I'll never change... my picky, expensive coffee habit is one.
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